Minor Arcana
choose a suit




The Minor Arcana is made up of 56 cards divided into 4 suits that actually turned out to be the basis for modern day playing cards. Swords (spades), Staffs (clubs), Coins (diamonds), and Cups (hearts). If you were to remove the Page cards, you could actually use the Minor Arcana as a normal 52 card modern deck. The suits of the Minor Arcana are governed by elements, and are colored accordingly: red is for Fire over the Swords, yellow for Air over Staffs, green for Earth over Coins, and blue for Water over Cups. The face cards are inspired from history and legend (as explaned below under Collections, while the number cards are just numerical pips with a single-word "meaning" written underneath.
Major Arcana

The Terrestrials
trumps 0-23

The Celestials
Trumps 24-40
The Major Arcana of is made up of 41 cards, divided here into the Terrestrials and Celestials. The Balatro tarot includes the original Minchiate trump card lineup, with the sole exception being that the Grand Duke has been replaced with The High Priestess card from traditional tarot. Unlike traditional tarot decks, a Minchiate deck includes the 12 zodiac signs, the 4 elements, and the remainder of the Christian virtues that were for some reason omitted in traditional tarot decks. It also includes a few replacements that essentially can be considered stand-ins.

The Nine Worthies

The Seven Virtues

The Four Horsemen

Cleopatra and Caesar

The Crusades

The Legend of King Arthur